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Design your pitch

Arrange the Enterprise Architecture Pitch Deck cards to design your perfect pitch.

  1. Start with the Situation card to set the scene.

  2. Add a Challenge card to describe the problem to be solved. Use one of the Play Challenge cards or define a new challenge and use the Challenge Pitch card.

  3. Add multiple Report cards to show the evidence and insights you've discovered. Read each Report card to learn what question it answers.

  4. Make a Recommendation on the best course of action based on your analysis.

  5. Finish your pitch with a concise Call to Action stating what needs to be done to solve the challenge.

Read the tips on the back of the Pitch cards to help refine your pitch.

Test with others

While designing your pitch, test on people with different levels of understanding of the topic. This will help you detect areas where you:

  • have assumed others have knowledge of the topic
  • have made leaps in your logic that may need to be filled in
  • need to find simpler ways to explain a card in your deck

Practice delivery

  • Practice presenting your deck - ideally to others.
  • Time how long it takes. Make sure you can present it within the time allowed on the agenda.
  • Leave time for questions.
  • Pause for effect
  • Practice a short version of your presentation. You may be asked to present in less time. Consider skipping or summarising the evidence and go straight to the recommendation and call to action. If the Executive need evidence, they'll ask and you'll have it ready
  • In extreme cases, your deck may be taken as read and the presentation goes straight to questions. Anticipate what questions will be asked by each Executive.


  • Introduce yourself
  • Break the licence
  • Deliver
  • Pause. Breathe.
  • If you don't know, say so
  • Thank the Executive for the opportunity and their time

