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Take turns

Players take turns until a player decides to pitch.

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Turn options

On your turn, you may either:

  1. Add a report to your pitch deck
  2. Create a new report
  3. Trigger an event
  4. Use your special skill
  5. Seek a new challenge
  6. Decide to pitch

Add a report to your pitch deck

  1. Place a Report card face-up in front of you
  2. Pick up a Report card from the top of the Report card pile

Create a new report

  1. Discard a Report card from you hand
  2. Pick up a new Report card from the top of the Report card pile or from those on display beside the pile

Trigger an event

  1. Choose a face-up Event card or take one from the top of the pile
  2. Follow the instructions on the card

Use your special skill

You can use your special skill once.

  1. Follow the special skill instructions on your Architect card
  2. Rotate your Enterprise Architect card by 90º to indicate your skill has been used

Seek a new challenge

Before you seek a new challenge, know that you’ll lose kudos if you don’t complete it.

To seek a new challenge:

  1. Pick up two Challenge cards
  2. You must keep at least one
  3. Place any discarded Challenge card at the bottom of the Challenge card pile

Decide to pitch

  1. To pitch, you must have completed all your Challenge cards.
  2. Before you can make your pitch, each other player gets one last turn.
  3. Pitch