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The Enterprise Architecture Pitch Deck game can be played by 2 to 4 players. Allow 45 minutes to play.


You are an Enterprise Architect. Your organisation is facing many challenges. You’ve been asked to prepare a deck of slides to explain the situation and recommend actions to solve a challenge. These slides are your pitch deck.

Other Enterprise Architects are also preparing pitch decks to solve challenges.

Picture of other competative architects 

You want to earn kudos by solving challenges. If you’re quick, there’s an opportunity for one Enterprise Architect to present their pitch to the Executive and earn extra kudos.


Get the most kudos by completing challenges.

Be careful, you'll lose kudos if you don’t complete a challenge.

How to Play

The rules are explained on Rule cards (this card is a Rule card).

The game moves through four stages, each explained on its own card.

  1. Set up
  2. Take turns
  3. Pitch
  4. Earn kudos

Before setting up to play, read about each different card type.

Images of the Set up, Take turns, Pitch, Earn kudos cards