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So you think you’re ready to pitch to the Executive.

Get invited to the Executive meeting

  1. Reveal your Challenge cards.
  2. Choose the challenge that earns the most kodos. You’ll pitch this to the Executive.
  3. The Executive Assistant checks you’ve completed all your other challenges by collecting the required Report cards. If you haven’t:

Get ready to pitch

Architects who aren’t pitching flip over their Architect card and assume their Executive role.

The Architect who is pitching, prepares their pitch deck:

  • Add the Situation card to the front of your deck
  • Add the chosen Challenge card after the Situation card
  • Arrange the collected Report cards in the order you want to present them
  • Add the Call-to-Action card to the end of your deck


Present your pitch to the Executive by talking to each card in your pitch deck.

If you have completed the challenge by collecting all the required Report cards:

  • The Executive decide you accept your call to action
  • The Executive place the Trusted Advisor card on top of your Architect. Kudos to you.
  • After the meeting, all Architects gather to review each others work and earn kudos.

If you have completed the challenge by using a New Report card, you will have to face the grilling from the Executive.

Face the grilling

The Executive are uncertain about the new report you’ve used. They grill you with questions before accepting your call to action. They may ask a question relating to their area of interest, for example:

  • COO: Where did the data for the report come from?
  • CEO: Is the data collection effort to produce the report sustainable?
  • CDO: How do you know the data quality is adequate for this challenge?
  • CIO: Will the changes made to develop the report prevent us taking future upgrades?
  • CFO: Was the report expensive to develop? Can it be used to address other challenges?

If an Executive is satisfied with your answer, they give you kudos by placing their Executive card beside your Architect. An Executive may not withhold kudos without good reason.

After the meeting, all Architects gather to review each others work and earn kudos.