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Card types

Rule cards

Rule cards explain how to use the Enterprise Architecture Pitch Deck for Work or Play.

Card image

Role cards

Each player is given a role card. This represents your character in the game. For most of the game you are an Enterprise Architect. You have a special power based on the knowledge you've acquired over your career.

During the Pitch stage of the game you'll temporarily become another character - a member of the Executive.

Card image front and back

Challenge cards

Challenge cards represent the challenge your trying to solve for your organisation. The Pitch Deck you create will need to explain how to recommend solving the challenge.

Card image front and back

Report cards

Report cards are used to build your Pitch Deck.

Card image front and back

Event cards

Event cards add an element of chance to the game. Good and bad things can happen.

Card image front and back

Kudo cards

Kudos cards add or subtract from your score.

Card image front and back - Trusted Advisor on one side, Over-promise Under-deliver 

Pitch cards

Add pitch cards to start and end of your Pitch Deck when you're:

  • creating a deck for work
  • getting ready to pitch to the Executive during play

Images of Situation, Challenge, Recommendation, Call-to-Action cards

The About card

Use the About card to:

  • Contact us
  • Earn real kudos for your innovative custom reports
  • Reuse or adapt these cards using a Creative Commons licence
  • Read the origin story